Our Central Air Conditioning Systems are regulated for both heating and cooling to ensure consistent and safe operation of the unit during every guest’s stay. Our HVAC thermostats can be set to a cool range of 70-78 degrees, and they can be set to a heating range of 65-75 degrees.
These parameters are based on the manufacturer and our HVAC Service Technician recommendations, and they ensure that you will have the best possible stay with us, without interruptions. In Southwest Florida, our temperatures can reach into the high 90’s, with humidity in the 80% – 90% ranges. When this occurs, air conditioning systems are pushed to the max.
Setting the desired thermostat temperature outside of these recommended ranges can cause increased condensation due to prolonged periods of operation with minimum downtime between operational cycles, which will result in damage and operational issues with the unit(s). Not everyone is familiar with this situation, or the recommendations for proper HVAC use in Southwest Florida, so we
have installed Smart Thermostats that help to ensure our home is always comfortable for our guests and that it stays that way during their entire stay.
To ensure the best experience for you, and our future guests to come, we have installed these smart features and safeguards. We appreciate your understanding and participation in protecting our property and our guest experience.